@inproceedings{OOPSLA2015, author = {M. Aigner and C.M. Kirsch and M. Lippautz and A. Sokolova}, title = {{Fast, multicore-scalable, low-fragmentation memory allocation through large virtual memory and global data structures}}, booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA)}, series = {OOPSLA '15}, year = {2015}, month = oct, publisher = {ACM}, location = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, publisher = {ACM} }
@inproceedings{DLS2014, author = {M. Aigner and T. H{\"u}tter and C. M. Kirsch and A. Miller and H. Payer and M. Preishuber}, title = {{ACDC-JS: Explorative Benchmarking of JavaScript Memory Management}}, booktitle = {Proc. Dynamic Languages Symposium}, series = {DLS '14}, year = {2014}, month = oct, publisher = {ACM}, location = {Portland, Oregon, USA}, publisher = {ACM} }
@inproceedings{PoS13, author = {M. Aigner and A. Biere and C.M. Kirsch and A. Niemetz and M. Preiner}, title = {Analysis of Portfolio-Style Parallel {SAT} Solving on Current Multi-Core Architectures}, booktitle = {Proc. Workshop on Pragmatics of {SAT} (PoS)}, publisher = {EasyChair}, series = {EPiC}, year = {2013}, month = jul, pdf = {https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46041904/homepage/content/publications/conferences/PoS13-AnalysisPortfolioSAT.pdf} }
@inproceedings{ISMM2013, author = {M. Aigner and C. M. Kirsch}, title = {{ACDC: Towards a Universal Mutator for Benchmarking Heap Management Systems}}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Memory Management}, series = {ISMM '13}, year = {2013}, month = jun, publisher = {ACM}, pdf = {https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46041904/homepage/content/publications/conferences/ISMM13-ACDC.pdf}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2100-6}, location = {Seattle, Washington, USA}, pages = {75--84}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2464157.2464161}, doi = {10.1145/2464157.2464161}, acmid = {2464161}, publisher = {ACM} }
@mastersthesis{Aigner2012, author = {Martin Aigner}, title = {{Short-term Memory for the C Programming Language}}, school = {University of Salzburg}, year = {2012}, pdf = {http://cs.uni-salzburg.at/~maigner/publications/masters_thesis.pdf} }
@inproceedings{A+11, author = {M. Aigner and A. Haas and C.M. Kirsch and M. Lippautz and A. Sokolova and S. Stroka and A. Unterweger}, title = {{Short-term Memory for Self-collecting Mutators}}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Memory Management}, series = {ISMM '11}, year = {2011}, month = jun, publisher = {ACM}, pages = {99--108}, doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1993478.1993493}, location = {San Jose, California, USA}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1993478.1993493}, pdf = {https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46041904/homepage/content/publications/conferences/ISMM11-ShortTermMemory.pdf} }
@techreport{SBG1003, author = {Martin Aigner and Andreas Haas and Christoph M. Kirsch and Hannes Payer and Andreas Sch{\"o}negger and Ana Sokolova}, title = {{Short-term Memory for Self-collecting Mutators}}, institution = {University of Salzburg}, number = {TR 2010--03}, year = {2010}, month = mar }
@techreport{SBG1006, author = {Martin Aigner and Andreas Haas and Christoph M. Kirsch and Ana Sokolova}, title = {{Short-term Memory for Self-collecting Mutators - Revised Version}}, institution = {University of Salzburg}, number = {TR 2010--06}, year = {2010}, month = jun }
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